Community Prototype
The section Community Prototype shows some screenshots displaying the documentation websites of 4 projects that took part in the opencare Maker in Residence (MIR), a special residency programme organized by WeMake and using WeMake fablab as main location.
Preceded by a Call for Makers, the MIR took place between April and September 2017 and involved 6 different groups of makers (national and international), WeMake staff, WeMake offline community and opencare online community.
During their stay (two weeks long on average) the teams had the opportunity to take part in an intense collaborative environment, exchanging knowledge and expertises in order to improve and accelerate their project.
Among the variety of activities organized during the Maker in Residence, it is possible to list:
using digital fabrication tools and methodologies
practising agile planning methods
receiving feedbacks from opencare network of experts
connecting with local and online creative communities
participating and organizing dissemination events
exploring new business models
testing and displaying the prototypes to a proactive audience.
Last updated