Since 2014 WeMake organizes a "Maker in Residence" (aka MIR), an initiative that aims to enhance WeMake’s international network of designers and makers to develop partnerships and to accelerate projects with the support of skills and professionals within the makerspace community and network.
From April to September 2017 WeMake has opened the lab for a special edition of Maker in Residence: opencare Maker in Residence.
opencare started at the beginning of 2016, it is a project funded by EU, a global community working together to make health and social care accessible for all, open source, privacy-friendly and participatory.
opencare starts from the assumption that state and private institutions will be unable to meet the demands for care in the 21st century and that new, more open, participatory, community-based methods are required.
The opencare Maker in Residence is structured around workshops, making, discussions with experts, including engineers, programmers, designers, policymakers and community members.
In order to collect applications, spread the news and reach out possible participants a Call for Makers has been structured and opened from March 17th to May 31st 2017.
The Call for Makers was hosted on the Edgeryders platform, where part of the application process took place.
Teams interested in taking part in the programme had to publish a story (see here the stories of the applicants) and describe their project following these guidelines.
In order to complete the application an additional Google Form had to be filled, with logistics and private information.
A selection process followed these steps, resulting into the beginning of the residency program. WeMake, therefore, acted as an infrastructure to develop, improve and accelerate care-related projects, helping them find a shape and own viability.
Last updated