Assessment and documentation
Assessment and documentation process:
conference call assessment
Every acceleration process should be followed by an assessment one.
Assessing project’s outcome, team’s work and staff’s responsibilities is a good way to evaluate the success or pain points of initiative, and to shape a better one in the future.
This could be done in multiple ways, that include having a feedback session with the resident team and discussing about different aspects that could be covered with the following questions or similar ones:
How did you carry out your residency?
Was it useful? What did you achieve?
Can you share with us some positive things, or strong points?
Can you share with us some negative things, or weak points?
What would you have done differently?
What didn’t meet your expectations?
Do you have any extra comment?
Would you repeat the experience?
What are you planning to accomplish in the near future?
According to the answers a new and improved experience can be designed.
Documentation of projects and processes, in addition, is another aspect that is often underestimated and, once again, it can take different forms. Although the channel or medium used to document projects or processes is not strictly relevant, it is important to establish a routine that could help teams get used to the habit of making the project documented and understandable by a reference community of people.
A possible way to go is to create a microwebsite with the main purpose of making the project public and open to collaboration.
GitHub Pages, a static site hosting service by GitHub, can be set up as a multi page website with:
An Homepage, with project value proposition, residency summary, video, news overview, licence and contributions, disqus form;
An About page, describing scenario, journey, next steps and introducing the team;
A News page, with blogposts and updates.
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